Empowering Your Journey to Global Education
At Uhdam, we believe that the future belongs to the globally educated. Our mission is simple yet bold: to empower every student with the freedom to study abroad, free from the constraints of agents and consultancies.
Our Story
The seed for Uhdam was planted when I, the founder, moved from Nepal to Finland at the tender age of 19. The reality of studying abroad was starkly different from what was promised by local agents. Overwhelmed, I had to relearn almost everything to fit into my new professional world. This personal challenge sparked the idea for a platform that would prepare students comprehensively before they even step foot abroad, ensuring they face no such psychological hurdles.
However, the turning point came from a tragic incident: a young girl, misled by a consultancy, committed suicide after her tuition fees were stolen, and she faced deportation. This heartbreaking event solidified my resolve. Waiting was no longer an option when lives were at stake. Driven by a commitment to prevent such scams and empower students, I joined forces with a team of passionate educators and tech innovators. After 18 months of dedicated work, Uhdam was born—a platform that epitomizes trust, transparency, and student empowerment.
Why Uhdam?
Uhdam stands out by offering:
Direct Access:
Connect directly with universities around the world. No middlemen, no hidden fees.
Simplified Process:
Our platform guides you through every step, from choosing a program to landing on campus.
Informed Decisions:
Leverage detailed insights and real student reviews to choose the best course and institution for your career aspirations.
Our Vision
We envision a world where geographical boundaries do not limit educational opportunities. Uhdam is not just a platform; it's your gateway to the world, fostering cross-cultural understanding and opening up a universe of possibilities.
Meet out team member
Surya Yadav
Madhu Shah
Chief Financial Officer
Aryan karki
ML Engineer
Sagol Baruwal
Fullstack Developer
Join Us on This Journey
Whether you're a student planning your first venture abroad, a professor looking to guide your students, or a researcher keen on expanding your academic horizons, Uhdam is your trusted partner. Let’s make the world your classroom.